Sabrina's Song Read online

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  “Possibly.” She fiddled with a strand of her hair and looked away to avoid her sister’s scrutiny.

  “See! My point exactly. When I asked if Alex could make it, you didn’t seem nearly as excited. I had a feeling something might be wrong. FYI, Chance has told me on many occasions how Bryer always brings up how amazing you are. But of course, it’s none of my business.” Amara smirked and shrugged. She’d been dating Bryer’s friend since they met a few months ago.

  “None of your business? Yeah right!” Sabrina picked up the napkin from her lap and playfully flung it at Amara.

  “Well, you’re my little sister, and not much slips past me. Now go home and chill out. I’ll handle things from here.”

  Chapter Six

  Bryer sat on the edge of his bed with the suit he planned to wear to Sabrina’s party laid out beside him. He’d been sitting there trying to decide whether or not he should even go. Of course he wanted to be there for her, but he didn’t want to go and see her in another man’s arms.

  ter m, r how tell you too, actually.fe. Here she was in a relationship withoving and at least twenty different hairstylHis watch showed that it was after eleven. Sabrina’s party had been going on for two hours. Fuck the bullshit. Bottom line was that he’d disappointed her before, and he damn sure didn’t want to do it again. Suddenly, time was of the essence. He prayed she would forgive him for being late.

  Driving at the top of the speed limit, Bryer arrived at La Habana’s parking lot. He checked in with the doorman to be directed upstairs. Scanning the crowded space, he searched for Sabrina. No luck.

  He stood outside on the terrace still hoping that she might be there. Then, coming from the direction of the restrooms, he spotted her sister, Amara, walking towards him. “Bryer, hi. I hate to break it to you, but Sabrina left and went home half an hour ago.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “Yeah. I think she is…or she will be. I mean…would you mind doing me a huge favor?”


  “See, since Sabrina left, I’m sort of the honorary hostess for the rest of the night. I really can’t get away until the party’s completely over. So would you mind dropping this off at her place? I sort of promised it to her.” She handed him a Styrofoam box.

  “No problem. I’ll get it to her now.”

  “Thanks a billion!” Amara smiled and walked away.

  Bryer made it down the stairs as fast as he could. He got back into his car and drove to Sabrina’s apartment. With the box that Amara gave him, he knocked on her door.

  Chapter Seven

  “Bryer?” When Sabrina peered through the peephole, his was the last face she expected to see. Suddenly, she was self-conscious that she hadn’t bothered to keep her bra on under the oversized t-shirt she’d changed into when she got home.

  “I’m sorry I was late and didn’t get to see you at your party.” Bryer appeared sincerely repentant standing in her doorframe as he presented her with a box. “Your sister asked me to give this to you.”

  “Thanks.” She took it from his hands and lifted the lid. Two slices of très leches cake. Sabrina shook her head and smiled. Darn Amara and her wise old owl ways.

  “Have a good night.” He turned back towards the steps.

  “Wait. Don’t you want to come in?”

  Bryer looked at her quizzically. “Are you and your man into some freaky shit?”

  “No, no, no,” she giggled. “Alex isn’t here.” Bryer came in, and Sabrina gestured for him to follow her to the couch. He sat beside her and turned so that he was facing her. “You might as well know now. An opportunity has presented itself and if all goes well, I’ll be moving to Los Angeles after graduation.”


  “Yeah, I’m looking forward to a fresh start. I thought you should know since you’ll have to replace me at the bar.”

  “So then you and Alex─”

  “There’s no more me and Alex.”

  The needle on the record skipped. “What happened?”

  “I thought things were going good, you know, like he and I had potential. But even though we’d been dating for six months, we’ve only spent half that time together since he travels so much. Anyway, today he told me that he met someone else.”

  Cocksucker douchebag motherfucker. Bryer was torn between the impetus to find La Vida Loca and pummel his punk ass into a bloody pulp and making Sabrina realize she should be his. When he saw her melancholic expression, he went with the latter.

  He reached for Sabrina’s hand and held it in his, stroking over her fingers with his much larger ones. “I know you must be hurting, and right now could be horrible timing, but there’s something I have to tell you. The way I feel about you, Sabrina, it’s like how it used to be, but so much more. There’s something going on here, and I think you feel it too.”

  “I do,” she admitted softly. “I should’ve known there was something missing with Alex. He couldn’t measure up to you.”

  That was all he needed to hear. Bryer caressed the side of her face, gliding his hand under her chin to prop it up so he could look at her. His thumb traced over her soft, full lips. “Now that you know how I feel about you, you have to understand that I can’t be without you.”

  If he didn’t kiss her now he’d never forgive himself. He pressed his lips to hers, melding their mouths. His tongue slid through her lips, twisting and twirling to explore her mouth. Sabrina matched his moves, driving him crazy when she sucked and bit at his lips. The kiss wasn’t enough.

  Pressing his chest against hers, he carefully backed her down onto the sofa pillows. He took her hands in his and brought her arms above her head, gently pinning her wrists to the arm of the couch. One hand stayed there to keep her in the position while the other ran down her arm, continuing lower to caress over her ribs and across her thighs. His fingers met the bottom hem of her t-shirt.

  He slid his hand under the thin cotton material, feeling how warm her body was when he splayed his hand over her stomach. His hand traveled up further to cup her breast. With a feather-light touch, he brushed his fingertips against the side of it, using his thumb to flick over her nipple.

  Bryer looked up to see Sabrina’s eyes half-closed, the movement of her chest rising and falling becoming more pronounced as her breath quickened. A slow smile formed on her lips. He leaned away from her to pull his shirt up over his head. All he wanted was to feel her skin against his with no barriers.

  Sabrina must’ve read his mind because she sat up to remove her t-shirt. Bryer wrapped his arms around her and rubbed up and down her back. He leaned in to nip at her earlobe. The scent and taste of her skin dazed his comprehension, but he was aware of feeling Sabrina’s hand at the fly of his pants. She unzipped him.

  The tented front of his boxers revealed his arousal. Bryer took his hand, reached into the slit front panel of his boxers, and pulled his dick out to show Sabrina how much she turned him on. He took her hands and wrapped them around his nine inches of hardness. “Is this what you want?”

  “Yes, Bryer.” She whispered again, “Yes.”

  Again, Sabrina told him all he needed to hear. His instincts took over. Bryer had to make love to her. Now. After getting up from the couch, he knelt in front of her. He put his hands at the sides of her waist and grabbed the band of her panties.

  Bryer slid them down and pulled them away from her ankles. His hands grasped hold of her feet and brought them apart to spread open her legs. He planted a trail of kisses up to the velvet soft skin of her inner thighs. Scooping her legs up, he bracketed his arms so that the bend of her knees sat cradled in the crook of his elbows.

  Bryer cherished the moment when he finally dipped his tongue to taste her. Her pussy was so wet he had to concentrate on giving her all the pleasure he wanted her to feel. With the flat surface of his tongue, he licked her slit from top to bottom in long, slow strokes. Sabrina’s hands went to his head, grabbing handfuls of his hair as she held his face to her pussy. Th
e sound of her lusty moans gave him the ultimate satisfaction.

  “Bryer…Bryer…please…can we—”

  The meaning of Sabrina’s sexy whispers was not lost on him. Hearing her ask for what he would’ve gladly given to her all day, every day, and seven days a week, pushed him over the edge. Bryer stood, shoving his pants and boxers off in one motion.

  Returning to her on the couch, he slid his hand up her body, from her belly button to the space between her breasts. He reached up to caress her collarbone, his other hand at the nape of her neck bringing her head forward so that he could kiss her again.

  At the same time Bryer slid his tongue into her mouth, he entered Sabrina’s satin heat with his cock. She immediately gasped, her throat arching up to him as her head tilted back. He licked and nibbled at the exposed skin of her neck as he rhythmically thrust in and out of her.

  When Sabrina folded him in her arms, her body so responsive to his, Bryer felt complete. She panted out his name over and over again. He knew she was close to climax by the clenching feel of her pussy. There was a series of hot, erratic squeezes from within her that coerced an equal response from his body. Sabrina’s orgasm would be the catalyst for his release. Bryer sighed her name as his dick spurted thick ropes of cum.

  Lazy moments passed as they lay together. Bryer shifted to his side to allow Sabrina a more comfortable position. His fingers played with her hair. He admired the serene expression on her face.


  “Yes?” His hands roamed her body, idly stroking all over.

  “What happens with us when I move to California?”

  When Sabrina asked the question, it pleased him to know she was considering their future. “Where you go, I go. I’ll give Jake the reins for Votives and make the commute when necessary. All of that can be worked out. What I care about is that I get to be with you.”


  “Wow. We’ve gotta figure out this closet situation.” Sabrina stood with her hands on her hips, glancing around at the bare shelves and racks in the walk-in. They’d finally moved all their things into the condo in downtown Los Angeles.

  Bryer had just finished organizing his shoes in a row along the wall. There was one odd shoebox on the top shelf that caught Sabrina’s attention. She pointed at it. “What’s in there?”

  “Nothing, Mrs. Gaudet.” He scooped up the box and started to walk away.

  “You’re hiding something.” She tickled him as he held the box above his head. He finally gave in when she found the weak point at his sides.

  “Okay, okay. Enough already. If you must know…” He opened the lid.

  “What is it?” Sabrina looked at him with curious anticipation. It was a box full of pictures and other miscellaneous mementoes.

  “You remember back in the day when we had that argument right before sophomore year?” Bryer rummaged through the various items and pulled out a folded square of paper. He handed it to her.

  “Yes, I remember.” Sabrina opened the paper. Its worn creases made it appear to have been folded and unfolded many times. “Right after your parents passed and you were moving to your aunt’s house. I wanted to stay together, but you wanted to break up because…” She trailed off as she took in the sight of Bryer’s chicken scratch handwriting and started reading.

  “Because I thought since we’d be going to different schools, it wouldn’t make sense to stay together.” He let out a deep sigh. “I remember how once I got home I couldn’t stop thinking about us, about you, and I wish I could’ve taken back what I said. I stayed up that night looking at your picture. I wound up writing you a song.”

  “What? Are you serious?” Sabrina could hardly believe it, even though she was holding the proof of his words.

  “I am. I’ve kept it all these years. I never thought I’d get a chance to set things right with you and tell you what I meant to say then.”

  “Aw, Bryer, I wanna hear it. You have to sing it for me.”

  “Right now?”

  “Yes, right now.” Sabrina went over to his side of the bed and grabbed his guitar from where it leaned against the wall. She handed the instrument to him. “Ple-e-e-ase?”

  “Okay, okay. This isn’t fair ’cause you know I can’t resist you.”

  “Cool, so then I get my way.” She gave him a sly smirk as she wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

  “As usual.” Bryer grinned as he sat on the bed, setting the instrument across his lap. Sabrina waited as he positioned his fingers. He hummed as he began to play.

  I was feeling lonely

  Lying in my bed

  Dreaming of Sabrina

  Can’t get her out of my head

  Never meant to hurt her

  Could be I don’t deserve her no

  Oh Sabrina

  Oh Sabrina

  Please don’t go

  As Bryer played an instrumental break, he held her gaze. She was immediately pulled into an abyss of his dreamy baby blues. The endless vortex of his azure irises sucked her into their depths. His eyes were like a time machine zapping her back to the boy who sat next to her at his parents’ kitchen table. He’d confessed, “I love you, Sabrina…I do. I mean it.”

  Bryer repeated those words at their wedding. Sabrina loved him now more than ever. The fact that he’d written a song for her was the cherry on top of the whipped cream on top of the super deluxe sundae known as her husband. She focused back to the present, to the loving man singing to her.

  If I see her smile

  I’ll be feeling fine

  Would go through Hell just to be with her

  Move Heaven and earth to make her mine

  I’ll tell her I need her

  Do anything to please her oh

  My Sabrina

  My Sabrina

  I love you so

  After the sounds of the last few notes faded, Bryer continued to look at her. “What do you think?” He chuckled. “I never made it as professional songwriter, so go easy on me.”

  His sweet song brought tears to her eyes. She’d never been serenaded. It took a few moments before she could answer. “I loved it. It was beautiful. Now kiss me like the first time.” As usual, Bryer couldn’t resist her.


  Thank you for reading. To read about other books in the Sin City Seductions series, check out:

  Taking a Gamble (Celicia and Kevin)

  A New Year’s Toast (Stacey and Cooper)

  A Lucky Chance (Amara and Chance)

  Milana Howard

  Originally from the Jersey Shore, (the very same place that has spawned all those reality show people), Milana Howard now resides in fabulous Las Vegas. She has had a passion for romance stories ever since she learned how to read. Whenever a book left her wanting more, she would write her own personal spin-off story to satisfy her craving for the ending she envisioned. Currently, she is most comfortable writing in the contemporary interracial romance genre.

  In her spare time she enjoys classic romance films. Intrigued by the glamour of that by-gone era, she finds herself wondering why men can’t walk around in suits and ties and why women can’t dress as if going to a Hollywood premiere on a regular basis.

  Excited to have her books in a reader’s hands, Milana welcomes feedback!

  [email protected]!!/milanahoward

  Table of Contents

  Title page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven


  Milana Howard



with friends